Thursday, May 6, 2010

What I find wrong with how President Obama is making his policies.

Why do we need big omnibus bill packages in order to improve the government? As much as I dislike the results of Newt Gingrich's legislative efforts in the '90s, he was very effective in getting them passed. His vitriolic public speeches were not the actual key to his success, which lay in the conciseness and brevity of each bill. Only what was necessary to accomplish the intended goal was included, resulting in a record flurry of legislative victories for him and his allies. So, I plead with anyone reading this who has the ear of President Obama and the key legislative leaders, that those in such a position pass this idea along. The reason the Tea Party and others have been so opposed and so successful in blocking what they have blocked, even if the legislation eventually passed, is because no one likes to be given a huge document which has to be read in a very short time, followed by a definitive vote for or against enacting the contents of that document as law.

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